Bespoke Metal Cutting Services
Metal Cutting and Finishing
Thanks to the variety of state-of-the-art equipment we have in our Bristol and Kent facilities, we’re able to offer you a comprehensive range of metal cutting services.
We’re continuously investing in developing our facilities to offer our clients the best range of services. Our equipment includes several bar saws and plate saws, which we can use to cut any of our aluminium, stainless steel, and brass stock to custom lengths.
Our skilled team have worked closely with various sectors, serving the engineering, military, and transport industries, as well as many others. Our bespoke cutting services guarantees material is prepared to the necessary specifications and fulfilled quickly to minimise lead times.
We pride ourselves on offering a fast turnaround on orders and can provide next-working-day delivery for most orders placed before 5pm.

Our Metal Cutting Services
Whether you run a small business or a major corporation, we fulfil a range of metal cutting and finishing services, including:

Extrusion Cutting
Providing custom cut aluminium, brass, and stainless-steel metal extrusions.

Sawn Aluminium Plate
Using our Schelling FM8 Plate Saw, we can cut aluminium of all thicknesses, from 2mm aluminium sheet to 6” aluminium plate.
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Next Day Delivery
Order from us before 5pm to receive next-working-day delivery on most orders, helping us facilitate the smooth running of your next project.
Get a quote by filling out our contact form or call us on 01795 473551 to discuss your requirements.